Here's a nifty toy: Google Sets. Type in a few items of a set and Google will predict the other members of the set. Very interesting... [via xauenmurph]
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Looking for that copy of Fahrenheit 9/11? Try bitoogle, a front-end to Google for BitTorrent files. [via boingboing]
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To win a "search engine optimization" contest, all Anil Dash had to do was ask his readers for help. Now his blog is the place to go if you want to know all about "nigritude ultramarine" (and who doesn't?)...
"A lot of people are trying to increase their page rank unethically," said Dash. "I think if we show them (that) the best thing you can do is to write really good material, then hopefully, they'll spend their time doing that (instead of) spending time coming up with ways to graffiti other people's pages."
(That reminds me, I wonder how that War on Pornography is going?)
[via boingboing]
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Google Guide seems to know about a few advanced search operators not documented at Google. [via metafilter]
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An important part of my quest to eliminate MS Internet Explorer from my life is replacing the functionality of the Google Toolbar, which sadly is only available for MSIE. The essential functionality: the reporting of the Google PageRank for the current page.
This Google PageRank Calculator isn't as convenient as having the toolbar running in the brower, but it just might be close enough!
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Search Engine Watch reports today that Google has a new look, dropping the tabbed menu, adding email search alterts, and making other minor changes. Of course, my attention was drawn to this change by today's cartoon at User Friendly.
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If you can't find it on Google, it doesn't exist.
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Search Engine Watch is a great source of information on search engines for both end-users and webmasters.
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