Will SONJ rise again? There's an issue's worth of material languishing on a CD-ROM somewhere, so you never know... Meanwhile, the old Call for Submission(s), complete with vintage 1990s-era ASCII art, is included for historical purposes. - RS

Call for Submissions

We still get more music than one man can review. If you would like to review an occasional tape or CD for SONJ, please send us a sample of your writing and tell us what kinds of music you enjoy.

We're interested in good writing on almost any subject, but essays on computer culture and descriptions of your latest hack are especially welcome. Publication is erratic and the pecuniary rewards are nonexistant, but--no promises here--writing for SONJ just might get you in right with the Big Guy. (Hint: Ever seen a picture of your fearless editor?)


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Table of Contents

Etext ©1997 Robert Szarka
Last Update: 19 Jun 1997